December 12, 2010

Painting Final - Part Two

These are all of my little paintings bound as an accordion book. :)
This series was inspired by the lovely work of Maira Kalman.

Most pages were painted in gouache and the entire book is 10x42"

December 6, 2010

Elements I Final Project

NYC Skirt!

Front view

Back view

I was inspired by my latest visit to NYC and was thinking about how exciting and simultaneously terrifying New York City is. 

Details: (The skirt was bought.)  I did all of the screen printing by hand.

December 5, 2010

Drawing Final

Self portrait as an angel. Inspired by Jeff Buckley's song "Hallelujah."
22x30 Charcoal on paper

November 9, 2010

Madeline Backpack

Remember this project??

Well, after a month and many transformations, it has become.....

The pockets, straps and lining are made of felt. The rest is made from that poster.

November 1, 2010

Goodnight Moon Costume

My roommate, Bailey, did my makeup. :)

I made this felt star hair clip.

This is my Goodnight Moon dress! I sewed all of the colored felt onto the dress by hand. Everything in black was screen printed.

October 16, 2010

Fall Break

It's fall break at MICA!
I have no class for five, I finally started working on my Halloween costume.

I've decided to be the children's storybook "Goodnight Moon."
Here is the cow jumping over the moon. Everything is hand sewn.

This is the plan for the front of the dress. The picture, window, and mittens are sewn; everything else will be screen printed in black ink.

This is the front of the dress.

This is what I have done on the back so far.
I have one more thing to sew and then let the screen printing frenzy begin!

October 4, 2010

Make Art and Repeat

Last week three of my studio classes assigned a project that was a continuation of the project from the previous week.

This pretty much sums up how I felt about that.

Drawing Class-Assignment was to make a charcoal drawing about the 'space between objects'. This drawing is about the spaces between me and my family and old friends.

Week Two-Assignment was to make a drawing of my drawing from the week before. The new drawing is made with micron pen and has real stamps on it. :)
Elements of Visual Thinking- This is a giant poster. The assignment was to fill every part of it with pictures of an object that we got to choose. My object was a Madeline doll.

For week two we had to continue to layer images of our object. I found this quite frustrating...which resulted in me smearing red paint all over it. Hehe.
Spatial Design-The is a cardboard model that depicts the lines and planes of my desk lamp.
This week we had to reconfigure our model so that it would support a brick. This is a view from the top of my new model.
This is a view from the side.
I'm glad this week is over and I have some new assignments to work on. Also, I decided to be the book 'Goodnight Moon' for Halloween and am getting pretty excited about making my costume. :)

September 22, 2010

A Tour of MICA

Welcome! Follow me around for a quick tour of my new home.

Here's my bedroom..

And this is part of our living space. We all share this space to work on homework, eat, and hang out.

This is my favorite bench with some of the first fall leaves.

View of the Commons courtyard from my room

Here is the elementary school that is right across the street. I love playgrounds.

This is on my way to class, walking down Mount Royal Ave. I love how the light comes through the trees.

Awesome bike. Win.

The beautiful stairs and sculptures of the MICA Main Building

A student drawing a sculpture in the Main Building.

Still life from drawing class with Paul Jeanes.

Art school rocks.