September 22, 2010

A Tour of MICA

Welcome! Follow me around for a quick tour of my new home.

Here's my bedroom..

And this is part of our living space. We all share this space to work on homework, eat, and hang out.

This is my favorite bench with some of the first fall leaves.

View of the Commons courtyard from my room

Here is the elementary school that is right across the street. I love playgrounds.

This is on my way to class, walking down Mount Royal Ave. I love how the light comes through the trees.

Awesome bike. Win.

The beautiful stairs and sculptures of the MICA Main Building

A student drawing a sculpture in the Main Building.

Still life from drawing class with Paul Jeanes.

Art school rocks.

September 15, 2010

Welcome to Baltimore

Hello from Baltimore! Tomorrow marks the end of my third week at MICA. Crazy. I guess things probably wont slow down much so I might as well start blogging. Here is a quick look at what I've been up to since I left Chicago..

MICA Orientation--Apparently we shouldn't leave notes for our roommates.

Extreme Bingo Dance Party (part of Orientation)-

Trip to Baltimore's Inner Harbor-

And I've been making lots and LOTS of art-

This a drawing of the pattern off of a vest.

Detail of bee vest.
Some boats floating on text.

I'm still adjusting to making art all the time but I think I'm going to love it here. I'll post more projects and other fun soon. Thanks for stopping by.